Affiliate Disclosure


Welcome to NowPanama, your go-to resource for all things related to Panama’s vibrant lifestyle, travel tips, and insider information. As part of our commitment to transparency and trust, we’ve created this Affiliate Disclosure page to clarify our use of affiliate links and how they contribute to our website.

Understanding Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are special URLs that track the referral of products or services from our site to a merchant’s website. When you click on these links and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This system helps readers discover valuable products and supports our site’s growth and content creation.

Our Affiliate Relationships

We partner with a range of affiliate programs that align with our audience’s interests and our content’s integrity. Our partnerships are carefully selected to ensure that recommended products and services are of the highest quality and relevance to you.

Transparency and Trust

Our pledge to you is honesty and integrity in every recommendation. Affiliate links do not influence our content creation process; instead, they enable us to offer comprehensive, freely accessible content on our website.

How Affiliate Links Support Our Site

Using affiliate links does not incur any extra costs for you. Instead, these links offer a way to support our efforts in maintaining and expanding our website, allowing us to continue providing valuable content to our readers.

User Responsibility

We encourage our readers to conduct their own research before making any purchase decisions. Our goal is to provide informed recommendations, but it’s essential to consider your needs and preferences.

Legal Considerations

In line with FTC guidelines, this disclosure aims to inform you of our affiliate relationships. We believe in transparency and are committed to ethical practices that respect our readers’ trust.

Your Support and Acknowledgment

Your understanding and support mean everything to us. By using our affiliate links, you help sustain NowPanama and allow us to continue delivering high-quality content tailored to your interests.


Our Affiliate Disclosure underscores our commitment to transparency and trust. We welcome any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate practices. Your ongoing support enables us to keep sharing the beauty and opportunities Panama offers.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions about our affiliate disclosure or wish to learn more about our affiliate relationships, please feel free to contact us.